Watch: Stormwater Deep South Strike Mission

Derek Morrison
Like all good sessions, it was a last minute decision to give chase. I didn’t even know if there would be surfers on the hunt. The chance to shoot a clean, long-period swell with perfect winds at dawn was enough to invoke that sense of hopeless FOMO – the type......
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Winning And Losing With World Number 4 Alexis Owen

Taira Blakely
It’s an average Tuesday in Dunedin, New Zealand. The after school rush is in full force as I navigate traffic on the way to the St Kilda Surf Lifesaving HQ. The sky is blue and the air is almost warm – remarkably mild for a winter’s day in Dunedin. The......

Special Report: Has The Surf Industry Abandoned New Zealand?

Derek Morrison
If it feels like the surf industry has abandoned New Zealand then you’re kind of right. We look into the state of play of the industry and where the rubber meets the road here In New Zealand. I first started writing and photographing surf around 1993 – guys like Munga......

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