Advertise With New Zealand Surf Journal

Derek Morrison

We’re 100% New Zealand Owned
Your Advertising Investment Goes Back Into New Zealand Surf Culture

New Zealand Surf Journal is powered by our writers, photographers and videographers throughout the country. They are the collective eyes and ears of the New Zealand Surf Journal engine room. We’re pleased to have some of the best in the country onboard and we’re pleased to be developing the next generation of storytellers. Your advertising and partnership support goes straight back into helping our team find and create better articles, photography and films about New Zealand surf culture.

Our Readers

New Zealand Surf Journal reaches a 21 to 60-year-old coastal adventurer – a demographic of inspiring people who value the quality of their lifestyle above all else.

We are a coastal nation – people who have intimate relationships with our coastlines and coastal recreation. These are successful people, men and women, who work hard and play hard. They make wise investment decisions so they can live the lifestyle they dream of. They live close to the coast and enjoy an active life with their family and friends. They are surfers, kayakers, fishers, mountain bikers, skiers, mountaineers, trampers, farmers, urban dwellers, office workers and entrepreneurs. They love to travel, whether that be driving on a roadtrip around our coastline, or exploring an international destination. They drive for hours to their secret spots with just a few good mates in tow. They enjoy seafood and the experience of harvesting from the coast. They are passionate people, prolific travellers and only bound by their love of the ocean and sea.

Reach Them – Partner Or Advertise With Us

To become a partner, or just to run an ad campaign with us simply email or call 021 139 8188 to discuss your campaign, or to request our most recent media kit.

Ad Specifications

Talk to us about integrating your messaging or promoting a product. Or buy a display space for your brand. We display retina-ready ads in jpg or png so please supply artwork at 600px wide x 500px tall (to display retina resolution at 300px x 250px). Ad rates start from as little as $200+GST/month.

Thanks for supporting the New Zealand Surf Journal team.

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