
Watch: Calypte

Derek Morrison
When Torren Martyn and Aiyana Powell borrowed the 35ft sailing boat ‘Calypte’ and departed from the east coast of Thailand in early 2022, they had a combined sailing experience of only a few days. Ishka Folkwell documented that journey. The one requirement of their charter was to eventually deliver the......
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Five Minutes With: Surf Travel Expert Pete Head

Derek Morrison
He’s shepherded more Kiwi surfers into world-class waves than you imagine, and he’s tasted the product throughout his 20 years in the game. Island Holidays’ front man and travel guru Pete Head shares some of his travel wisdom with NZSJ. Pete, now 49, is a born and bred West Auckland......

In Search Of The South

Jordan Sparrow
The Sub-Antarctic islands are a strange and mysterious place. A place where sea lions roam the mountain peaks, where penguins waddle through the remains of failed settlements, and where megaherb fields give you the feeling of being in the middle of a Dr. Seuss world. If you have ever felt......

Team Backdoor Score Southern Gems

Derek Morrison
The concept is simple: take a bunch of Backdoor’s best team surfers and put them into the best waves we can find in the south. Covid has other ideas. The lineup is impeccable: newly crowned national champion Daniel Farr, Under 18 national champion Ava Henderson, inaugural Super 16 champion Taylor......

Inside Camper Life With Craig Levers

Derek Morrison
Surf photographer Craig Levers, or CPL, as many will know him by his picture credit, is a bit of a nomad. Like most surfers he likes to travel. That has led him into a whole new world of escapism and the vehicles that deliver us to dream locations. Craig was......

Chasing Unicorns With Jean Pierre Guillotin

Derek Morrison
Meet the French-speaking Spaniard chasing waves in New Zealand – not to surf them, but to photograph them. Jean Pierre Guillotin is bringing a fresh perspective to the waves and surfers of the North Island. New Zealand Surf Journal’s Derek Morrison caught up with 32-year-old JP during Auckland’s most recent......

Watch: Chasing Winter With Paige Hareb

Derek Morrison
Pro surfer Paige Hareb visits the South Island in the middle of winter to explore the southern waves between snowfalls in the mountains around Queenstown. Paige also takes some time to pass on some of her knowledge to the Queen’s High School Surf Academy girls. Along with a lot of......

Bask: A Film By Isaac Chadwick (AO)

Derek Morrison
In Bask, 19-year-old filmmaker, Isaac Haki Chadwick, captures the essence of life as a student and young surfer set among the raw and tumultuous whims of the southern ocean. It’s rawness is equaled by its honesty, offering a window into something few would otherwise get to see. We caught up......

Watch: Lost Track, A Surf Adventure Through New Zealand

Derek Morrison
Lost Track follows two Byron Bay mates surfer Torren Martyn and filmmaker Ishka Folkwell as they embark on the journey of a lifetime throughout New Zealand in search of perfect waves and life long memories. Their three-month motorcycle surfing adventure takes them into the depths of our great southern land......

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