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Ship’s Log Indian Ocean, Day 4: Rain At Roxies

Derek Morrison
Roxies is a fun little righthander in a picturesque bay that is filled with turtles, occasionally crocodiles and, at times, a boatload of Brazilians (until our skipper evicted them). Going right with just our crew out was a welcome change of pace after two days at busy Macaronis. Like magic......
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Ship’s Log Indian Ocean, Day 3: More Macaronis Please

Derek Morrison
The swell that was supposed to kick in yesterday begins to fill in by the next morning. We are ready and champing at the bit. The funnest wave in the world awaits us … The routine we set on these early days becomes the everyday ritual for the trip. We......

Ship’s Log Indian Ocean, Day 2: Macaronis

Derek Morrison
Macaronis has become such a famous wave that you need to book a slot to surf it. Which we did for two days … just as a new swell arrives. That’s the magic of having one of the most connected surf operators on board. So, it took us all by......

Ship’s Log Indian Ocean, Day 1: First Day Froth

Derek Morrison
Nothing makes sense about the journey. We pass over Padang twice before we land there. We watch the 40 boards (for 11 of us) being thrown like firewood on the tarmac at Jakarta. The streets of Padang are a sight that few of us are expecting: a kind of chaos......

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